Earth Mind

At Earth Mind we practise re-rooting the self into the deep, dense ground of interconnectedness and relationship. Through centering parenthood, using tools from Aware Parenting we find our way back to the bosom of our Mother.

About Marisa

Marisa is Studio Manager at Mycelium Studios which is an interdisciplinary art and design hub. She founded the Mycelium Studios Parent Club which supports families and community building. Marisa received first class honours in philosophy at Melbourne University in 2010 and has further qualifications in Art Therapy, Psychology, Counseling and Social Work. Marisa has been facilitating groups for over 10 years and is particularly excited about bringing ritual and connection to these spaces. She has lived and worked with First Nations people in Australia’s Top End and deeply values traditional ways of life. Marisa is an accredited Aware Parenting Instructor and aligns her own parenting practices to this transformative model. 

What we offer

  • Re-Wilding

    So many of us feel disconnected and lonely when we first journey into parenthood. Earth Mind explores ways that we can come back into relation with community, place and our other-than human kin as part of rebuilding the village. This process includes interrogating systems of oppression as they exist both internally and externally and becoming parent- activists for our planet and the future of our children.

  • Aware Parenting

    Aware Parenting is an approach that values the emotional wellbeing of the child, with a focus on deepening attachment and holding loving space for big feelings. There are various tools and strategies which help to create this wellbeing and connection. Learning deep trust in our children takes, practice, skill-learning and community building as well as de-conditioning work.

  • Re-Parenting

    When we begin to hold space for our children’s feelings we can start to remember all the times our own feelings weren’t listened to. Here we can begin to cultivate a loving witness to our own grief and pain. Learning to be with our own suffering can expand our capacity for presence, embodiment and pleasure in our parenting and life in general.

Aware Parenting


1 hour Consult

I will take a deep dive with you into your parenting journey: your strengths, challenges and family history. Together we will work towards the vision you have for your family, grounded in the theory and practise of Aware Parenting


Consult + Listening

This package includes a 1 hour consult plus two listening sessions via voice messaging with responses from Marisa. This is a great way to provide a reparative experience for yourself in the very moment when challenges arise


More about Earth Mind

Marisa has spent many years interrogating systems of thought, deep in trying to understand how we have ended up in this place of tearing at our Mother until she breaks at the seams.

Since becoming a mother this has become a more urgent reckoning with herself and our times. Marisa believes we can parent in a way that is political by staying with the trouble as well as reconnecting to the values of care, respect and love by centring earth honouring rituals and practices into our parenting.

Earth Mind is a co-creative project borne out of a deep need to recreate the village, re-root and re-wild the self and find presence, joy and transformation in parenting, in a time of planetary distress.

Babies one a beach